Another big deal to me and a few mentally unwell people online happened and that was the series finale of What we do in the Shadows happened. God, what a finale it was. Please disregard any positive tone in my text right now. You know, at the beginning of this season, knowing it was the final season, I had a small idea to make a huge retrospective of the show to post on here after the show ended, because I thought I could really put to rest the years of enthusiasm, speculation, theorizing, analysis and more I've put into this show as a fan. I rarely get like this for something but when I do it becomes a Whole Thing for me and I really do go all in. But it's kinda hard right now to bring myself to get the motivation. The ending was just a bummer, leaving us on a "I guess they'll never really change" type of sentiment while seeming to lament that fans ever even believed the show could become anything of substance in the first place. There's a serious amount of cynicism and disrespect shown in the narrative to the people who want the characters to be anything other than like the cast of season 1 of South Park (hey that's the other thing I'm deranged about), never changing, always flawed and always frustratingly close to being something more. I suppose to the few people who watch the show on cable television, the show ended exactly how they wanted; just a goth version of Always Sunny but without all the shit that makes Always Sunny beloved for it's rigid characters. I mean, damn, even Always Sunny knows how to deliver something satisfying to the audience while maintaining their personal status quo. But I guess my question is why even tease a whole world of magical beings and creatures, or people living rich and interesting lives outside of the main cast, of experiences that seemed to change and inform the characters enough to change them at first, and quite frankly, a plethora of spin-off potential in a millions ways, only to cut everyone off and say that's all never happening? Or even worse so, that the audience is stupid for ever thinking it could? At the very least, I hope the IP of this whole world they made is given to someone who will run with all the potential it has and makes millions off of all 20 seasons and then some there is of exploration. Yall motherfuckers can't even get Sarah Michelle Geller or Kristen Stewart to do a cameo, I should have seen the signs lol. But seriously, with every episode having multiple "so we're just not going to mention that again?" moments, there's a lot of just patching up that could be an entire franchise of media. The Night Market, the Witches, Sirens and Shapeshifters are real, and let's not forget Werewolves still kicking around least they got some more time. And of course the documentary crew and whatever goes on with them, the club of vampire hunters and the vampire politics shenanigans along with whatever the hell the Baron is wanting to do right now, if anything, about the state of America undominated by vampire rule. Oh god I could really, really go on. And maybe I will since it's my damn site. Of course, the absolutely shit state of Guillermo and Nandor and Whatever The Fuck they have going on. Yeah, sure, male friendships, whatever. What the fuck ever. Two men with year of history, who know each other best, have compatible sexualities and one has even shown attraction of the other while to spineless to ever confess it, yeah man, I'm sure everyone watching is just rooting for those two to be friends forever and nothing else. Until Guillermo dies single and Nandor lives on and it's like nothing meaningful ever really built on that. Yeah okay, they're fighting crime together I guess. With their goofy ass outfits, very funny. Of course it's meant to parallel another famous media relationship where it's two guys and them being gay for each other is a common joke. Because when it's not in the background, and taken someone seriously with impact, then it MUST be a joke. Boyfriends are meant to be unseen background characters for these guys that only distract from this supposedly sacred friendship. You know, if you've never met a person who you care about enough to want to spend the rest of your life with, and dedicate to through struggle and strife, that's fine. It's not for everyone! But maybe let someone who has take over the writing for a minute. Like it or not, this sort of enduring friendship that is in a lot, lot of media treated as too sacred to taint with sex or romance, is much, much closer than most of the on screen romances in media these days. I am in a straight relationship and what I see in most of these strong male friendships is just what my husband and I have minus the attraction. Idk if this plague of "Male Friendshipping" is a symptom of low quality modern romance movies or what the fuck, but it's not even passing when straight guys can tell. I really wonder, is "ship-bait" or "fanfiction-bait" a thing for real? Because this seems to be the business model. I'm sure the whole boardroom laughed when they saw how seriously those fucking idiot tumblr girls took all of their hints and breadcrumbs. And honestly? I think part of the joke is on the actors involved, too, because I don't think they really had a choice in most of it. I see some people on Tumblr praising the end and I just feel bad they have such low standards. Maybe I am just jealous they can find satisfaction with something this cobbled together. I've put together a lot of shit in the last minute in my years as a student with undiagnosed ADHD, and I know it when I see it. I know when something was made without full confidence, and with few people on board. This finale is one of those things. Was this season that, also? Maybe, but I can't say that one for sure actually. Here's what I can tell you. If I write about this show on here again it will be a very long-ass passionate essay and quite frankly my last word on it for the sake of like, my mental health or something lol. There's something to be learned here about writing a TV show, I'm just not ready to define that right now.